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Friday, May 30, 2025 8:00 PM - Sunday, June 1, 2025 2:00 PM
Matthias Pintscher, music director and conductor
Jasmin White, contralto
Kansas City Symphony Women’s Chorus, Charles Bruffy, chorus director
Allegro Choirs of Kansas City, Christy Elsner, creative director and founder
GUSTAV MAHLER Symphony No. 3 in D Minor
A towering work of genius, Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 3 will take you on a musical journey encompassing a world of emotion. Led by Music Director Matthias Pintscher, the Symphony’s virtuosity will be on full display. Contralto Jasmin White brings their incandescent sound and exquisite musicianship to this masterwork, joined by the Symphony Chorus women and a children’s choir. Mahler famously said, “A symphony must be like the world. It must contain everything.” He set out to accomplish just that and his Third Symphony is a profound work encompassing existential questions, serene contemplation and eloquent grandeur. You’ll hear moments of warm tenderness, orchestral thunder and everything in between. Mahler poured his soul into this music, saying, “In it the whole of nature finds a voice.”

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Sunday, June 1, 2025 2:00 PM


Matthias Pintscher, music director and conductor
Jasmin White, contralto
Kansas City Symphony Women’s Chorus, Charles Bruffy, chorus director
Allegro Choirs of Kansas City, Christy Elsner, creative director and founder
GUSTAV MAHLER Symphony No. 3 in D Minor
A towering work of genius, Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 3 will take you on a musical journey encompassing a world of emotion. Led by Music Director Matthias Pintscher, the Symphony’s virtuosity will be on full display. Contralto Jasmin White brings their incandescent sound and exquisite musicianship to this masterwork, joined by the Symphony Chorus women and a children’s choir. Mahler famously said, “A symphony must be like the world. It must contain everything.” He set out to accomplish just that and his Third Symphony is a profound work encompassing existential questions, serene contemplation and eloquent grandeur. You’ll hear moments of warm tenderness, orchestral thunder and everything in between. Mahler poured his soul into this music, saying, “In it the whole of nature finds a voice.”
All sales are final. Programs, dates, artists and pricing are subject to change. The Kansas City Symphony reserves the right to adjust seating assignments when necessary. 

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